Clinics & Services
Regular review for education and monitoring for our asthmatic patients is provided by our practice nurse by appointment.
The diabetic clinic is also run by the practice nurse.
We offer full antenatal and postnatal care in association with our midwives. Clinics are held upstairs in the health centre on Monday mornings.
Children`s Clinic
Held on Friday mornings - we offer developmental checks for newborns. The health visitors run separate clinics upstairs for checks and advice on a Wednesday morning and immunisations on a Thursday morning. They can be contacted by phoning Wishaw 355511.
The Lanarkshire Eye-Health Network Scheme (LENS)
The optometrists who are part of the LENS can offer an appointment and assessment service for any concerns you may have with the health of your eyes or eye injuries. You can also find out which optometrists are part of the LENS by calling NHS Lanarkshire General Enquiry Line on 08453 130 130.