GDPR and Data Protection

Patients who are asked to send a photograph to us about a rash or lesion, should send this to us within 3 days of it being requested. 

Sending photographs to the practice by email

Data Protection notice

Data protection and other rights

Access to medical records - Our Policy

In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and Access to Health Records Act, patients may request to see their medical records and be provided with copies. If a patient requests excerpts OR a full copy of their notes, we prefer to send these by secure email. This is due to the environmental impacts of the production of lengthy notes and for the time taken for us to produce these. If paper excerpts are required for passing to third parties, we will be happy to print these. If patients require full paper copies, we will provide these.

We have one month to respond to any request.

Please email the practice stating your name, date of birth and a preferred email address for the receipt of the notes (this may be different from the email address the request was received from) Alternatively, please submit your request in writing to the Practice Manager and either post to the practice or hand in to reception. Our email address is (this link will open in a new window - popups must be allowed)

No information to any third party will be released without the patient consent unless we are legally obliged to do so.
for further guidance please refer to

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