Important information about our merge with Logan Practice, March 2025
Please be advised that on 31st March & 1st April 2025 we will be operating an urgent/emergency only service. This is due to the merging of IT systems between Willow Wood Practice and Logan Practice. During this time, we will have little to no access to patient clinical notes and will not be able to issue prescriptions unless absolutely necessary.
From 1st April, our number will change to 01698 373341, please pass the number to friends and family and make sure those who need us know where to call.
We encourage all Willow Wood patient’s who have an e-mail address and access to the internet to register for Logan Practice askmyGP system in preparation for the merger. Registrations can be done at any point prior to or after the merger.
Providing IT systems are up and running, requests for care can be made from Wednesday 2nd April 2025.
To register click the below link:
Important notice for patients requiring medication for Hayfever
Please be advised that the practice no longer prescribes medication for hayfever. This can be obtained from the community pharmacy under the
pharmacy first scheme.
NEW Practice opening times
From 12 February 2024 the practice will be closed between 12.30pm - 1.30pm each day. This is to allow time for staff meetings, training and for us to attend to other practice business.
If you need us for a genuine medical emergency between 12.30 - 1.30 each weekday we will be on hand to attend to your call, however we will ask you to call us back if your enquiry is not of an urgent nature.
The practice is open 8am-12.30pm then 1.30pm-6pm each day except bank and public holidays
Visit us on Facebook
NEW Welfare Rights Officer in practice
We are delighted to welcome Pauline Hobson to the team from Thursday 7th September.
Pauline can assist those patients who experience financial difficulties which impact on their health. She can offer advice on benefit entitlement and help with completing forms and guide patients through the application process.
Information for patients opting to have treatment overseas
LMC post bariatric surgery June 2023.docx
Making life easier
Making life easier is available 24 hours a day, 356 days a year and provides information, signposting and self assessments. The site is for use by anyone who lives in North Lanarkshire or on behalf of someone who lives in North Lanarkshire.
Although the service is mainly about adults, some of the information may be useful for young people.
What is on the site?
You can get information on local self-help groups and national organisations, who offer support to people who live with long term conditions or a disability or are finding things difficult as they get older.
Some of the information is about long term conditions and disabilities; some is about keeping safe and well at home; some is about being able to get out and about in your local community.
Click on this link for further information Home - Making Life Easier
Lanarkshire Pumonary Fibrosis Support Group
The aim of this group is to support and share experiences, socialise and offer signposting to services and assist sufferers, their carers and family. The group hold monthly face to face and zoom meetings for members and carers with guest speakers to discuss the condition and offer advice on all aspects on living with the condition.
To access the facebook page, search LanarkshirePFSG
Kooth Online Counselling & Mental Health
Kooth Online counselling and Mental Health Service supports young people in North Lanarkshire. We support 10 – 26 year olds, with the 18 - 26 cohort focused on care experienced young people.
We are delighted to inform you that North Lanarkshire Council has commissioned the online wellbeing service Kooth, a service delivered by Kooth Digital Health. Kooth is an integral component of North Lanarkshire's mental health provision offering a digital counselling and emotional well-being service for young people.
1 in 5 children and young people suffer from mental health illness in any given year. At Kooth, we believe every young person has the right to thrive and to access high quality mental health care. We offer a free, safe and anonymous online Mental Wellbeing Community for young people across North Lanarkshire. Kooth is available through smart phone, tablet or computer and features activities, self-help articles, discussion boards and a team of accredited counsellors and emotional wellbeing practitioners who provide guided and outcome-focused support for each individual.
Compassionate Lanarkshire (CLAN) is a partnership project between St Andrew’s, Kilbryde and Strathcarron Hospices which aims to support vulnerable and isolated individuals and families in Lanarkshire affected by a life-limiting illness including; cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease and progressive neurological conditions.
The project will offer emotional, therapeutic and practical support to help individuals and families identify, value and build on their strengths to achieve the best possible quality of life. The CLAN team will work with service users – clients and carers – in their own homes and communities to identify and build on their strengths, increase knowledge and understanding, manage stress and anxiety, enhance resilience, improve emotional health and wellbeing, identify and access services, supports and opportunities: all with the aim of reducing isolation, loneliness and anticipatory grief.
Compassionate Lanarkshire - St Andrews Hospice (
CLAN Become a Befriender.pdf
CLAN Befriender Leaflet - For clients & referrers.pdf
CLAN Comp Therapy Leaflet.pdf
Strep A
Please find link below to 'when should I worry' which may aide/reassure parents by highlighting red flags signs and symptoms when parents should seek further help if their child’s infection fails to resolve or deteriorates.
To keep up to date on practice updates and news, please follow us on facebook
@willow wood wishaw

Willow Wood Medical Practice operate a zero tolerance policy with regard to violence and abuse and the practice has the right to remove violent patients from the list with immediate effect in order to safeguard practice staff, patients and other persons. Violence in this context includes actual or threatened physical violence or verbal abuse which leads to fear for a person’s safety. In this situation we will notify the patient in writing of their removal from the list and record in the patient’s medical records the fact of the removal and the circumstances leading to it.
When patients are disruptive and display aggressive and/or intimidating behaviour and refuse to leave the premises, staff are instructed to dial 999 for Police assistance.
Sign up for text messaging
We have the facility to send text messages to patients with general information about practice closures, appointment reminders and to ask you to contact us about messages we need to pass to you from the GPs.
We will never send messages containing confidential information about you or your care, nor will we message you promoting any services provided by us or NHS Scotland.
Consent can be withdrawn at any time by getting in touch and letting us know.
If you wish to sign up for text messaging, please let us know the next time you call. Alternatively, download and complete the form below and send it to us by email to
sign up for texting